Sunday, March 15, 2009

Performance Update

All stock-related sites should report an unbiased scorecard. The Faro portfolio puts itself up against the same test. The fund inception date correlates with the launch of this humble blog--estimates are in that there are 4-5 regular readers. The inception date is Oct 2007. If I had tried to "time" the start of such an auspicious task, well, I'm really bad at timing: stocks have lost half their value since then.

I still believe the case for stock investing stands. The transaction costs are almost nil (tell that to your real estate broker); they allow you to become part owners in pieces of potentially great businesses; owning strong companies over time is a great buffer to the loss of purchasing power (if the business can raise it's prices with inflation, it's returns should rise with general prices); historically, the returns for any one with a long-term horizon better any other asset class.

Since inception, the portfolio is down -17.8% vs. -49.40% for the S&P. It's worse than under you mattress but much better than most mutual funds.

Full Disclosure: none

1 comment:

Tucker said...

Suggesting that I consist of 20%-25% of this blog’s readership makes me feel self conscious about my weight.